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Category: Science
December 2024 Interactive Crossword Puzzle
The lac Operon: A Lesson in Simple Gene Regulation
In 1947, Jacques Monod, a biochemist at the Pasteur Institute, observed that Escherichia coli metabolized
Inside the Microbial Jungle: Tales from a Microbe Whisperer
Anne Madden is a self-proclaimed “microbe wrangler.” Her inner explorer and scientist emerged during…
2024 Top 10 Innovations | The Scientist Magazine®
The Scientist’s Top 10 Innovations contest is back. This year we took nominations for cutting-edge…
The Regulation of the lac Operon
The genes and important sequences for the regulation of the lac operon are organized such that several…
The Evolution of Microbe Teachers and AI Cheaters
Several years ago, I, along with other undergraduate students, embarked upon an important mission: coming…
Detection or Deception: The Double-Edged Sword of AI in Research Misconduct
In 2015, Jennifer Byrne, a cancer researcher at the University of Sydney, noticed something strange while…
Why a diabetes drug fell short of anticancer hopes
Pamela Goodwin has received hundreds of emails from patients asking if they should take a cheap, readily…
Microfibres in India’s dhobi ghats a ‘silent disaster’
[NEW DELHI] India’s traditional open-air laundries, known as dhobi ghats, hold cultural significance…
Scientists make progress in search for new migraine therapies
For Cherise Irons, chocolate, red wine and aged cheeses are dangerous. So are certain sounds, perfumes and…